Research Consulting Services

Researcher's Realm offers expert research consulting to assist researchers at any stage of their projects - from developing initial ideas and structuring research objectives, all the way through conducting analyses and presenting findings. The consulting team comprises accomplished research scholars and practitioners from diverse domains.

The key features of the research consulting services include:

Research Design and Planning 

onsultants help conceptualize research problems, formulate hypotheses, design appropriate methodologies (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods), plan data collection strategies, and construct well-structured research proposals.

Literature Reviews

They provide in-depth literature review services, including comprehensive bibliographic searches across databases, critical analysis of existing research, identifying knowledge gaps, and synthesizing insights.

Data Analysis

For quantitative research, services include guidance on sampling, survey design, tool validation as well as advanced statistical modeling, econometric analyses, forecasting etc. For qualitative research, they assist with methods like ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology and related analyses.

Technical Writing and Editing

Consultants extensively review and edit research writing like journal papers, conference proceedings, grant proposals, theses/dissertations to ensure clear communication of objectives, methods, findings and adherence to specific publishing requirements.

Visual Communication

They help in effectively presenting research through well-designed visuals like graphs, charts, diagrams, infographics as well as slideshow presentation assistance.

Domain Expertise

Consultant teams are built leveraging deep subject matter expertise across STEM fields, social sciences, humanities, business, economics and more to provide domain-specific research guidance.

Research Training and Mentoring

Customized workshops, seminars and one-on-one coaching is provided to scholars and student researchers on various aspects of the research cycle and associated skills development.

Project Management

Dedicated research consultants are assigned to understand project contexts, set timelines, coordinate tasks, and ensure research proceeds efficiently while maintaining rigorous standards.

All research consulting services follow strict ethical guidelines around plagiarism, research integrity, transparency and compliance with institutional governance. Pricing is offered through flexible hourly, monthly or project-based fee structures based on scope and scale of requirements.